Bugs of Shared State
Bugs of Shared State: concurrency and caching of state
Bugs of Unstructured State
Bugs of Unstructured State: consuming unknown input as state
Bugs of Mutated State
Bugs of Mutated State: changing the state of a program
Common Software Defects
Identifying and recognizing common software defects
Programming is Hard
A somewhat coherant if rambling train of a thought about software engineering and the ridiculous effort we put into writing good code
Lightning Computational Graph Theory
A super quick, high-level lightning 5-minute presentation on Graph Theory, covering lists, trees, dags n graphs
How to write Bad Software
There is no right way to build software, but plenty of wrong ways.
The Big Hacks
My own record of significant publicized hacks, hacking attempts, cves and malware that significantly shaped future computer science.